Friday, June 10, 2011

Dear 16 year old me

So there is a video that is prevalent right now on Facebook called "Dear 16 Year Old Me...".  It is a sobering Canadian PSA for skin cancer awareness...what it might be like as an adult reflecting on the past.  Since I watched this I started thinking about what advice I would give (if I could) to myself 29 years ago in 1982...the summer of my 16th year...

Dear 16 Year Old Me,

There are a few things that I want to share with you that will help the quality of your life.  These are in no way presented in order of importance.  I know you think you have the world figured out and on a string, but the truth is you don't and you never will.  None of us get to and it really does work out so much better that way.  You are enrolled in Life University and you graduate the day you pass from this world into the next, so stay humble, keep your eyes and mind open every single second, and take good notes.

Rule #1. God is sovereign.  Rule #2. Everything in life changes except Rule #1.
Let's move on.

Dear 16 year old have had a rough start and some very bad things have forced you past the innocence of youth, but you are not damaged goods.  It is these very experiences that will add depth and richness to your character and you will soon learn that it is in those dark valleys where you will grow and discover what you're made of.  You are ultimately responsible for how things turn out regardless of what happened or didn't happen in your childhood.  Happiness is a choice.  It will serve you well if you take time every day to remember who you really are, and more importantly WHO'S you really are.  Never look to others to define your worth.  The only person that wont hurt, disappoint, or abandon you is God.  You should plan accordingly.

Dear 16 year old me...being pretty opens a lot of doors but it is never enough to keep you in the room once you get there, so always bring your best effort.  Know that youth and beauty are fleeting and these qualities along with wealth and status easily corrupt the human heart.  Speaking of hearts, you'll need to guard yours diligently and realize that there are very, very few people who are worthy of sharing it with.  The currency of love is trust and it can be lost in a moment and take a lifetime to build.   People are not inherently good and there is a fine line between knowing that and letting it make you bitter and jaded.  It is worth your time to find this middle ground.

Dear 16 year old me...growing older is inevitable, but growing up is a choice.  Not everyone grows up.  It is important to allow yourself to mature to the point that you can be relied on (by yourself and others), accept responsibilities for your actions (both good and bad), and realize that life is not all about you (in fact, it has very little to do with you).  Don't cheat.  Don't lie.  Don't manipulate.  These behaviors may get you what you want and where you want to be for a while, but they will eventually bankrupt you morally, emotionally and spiritually.

Dear 16 year old will almost always regret wearing prints, but you will never regret wearing solids. ;)

Dear 16 year old me...God will allow influence and fame to come your way.  They are very slippery slopes.  Be very careful to not become impressed with yourself.  The purpose of influence is to stand up for those that have no influence...whether that is an abused child or animal, the homeless, victims of violence, the elderly, or a forest.  Try to leave a situation better than you found it, and unless you are prepared to be part of the solution to a problem it is best that you avoid complaining until you are.

Dear 16 year old me...pass on Betamax and Laser Discs. ;)

Dear 16 year old are going to bury a lot of people you love.  Don't be alarmed because everyone does.  All death is here to teach us about life.  If given the choice, always choose to spend your time with family and friends over making money.  Pick people over possessions and prestige every time.  I promise you wont regret it.  There is nothing on this earth that can fill the hole in your soul that needs to give, and receive, genuine love.

Dear 16 year old me....the key to freedom is forgiveness, and forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different.  Anger, resentment, and contempt look bad on anyone, and there is no quicker way to make your life miserable for yourself and those around you than holding on to past hurts.  You will make more mistakes than correct choices, but if you choose to gain knowledge from both you will win in the long run.

Dear 16 year old all goes by so quickly and you'll cry as much as you laugh.  If you ever doubt what life is all about go to an ocean or the mountains or to a hospital maternity ward and look quietly upon God's Creations until something stirs inside of you...God's own DNA within you...settles your mind and helps you know your place in this world.



  1. Love this! I think I may need to write a post to my 16 yr. old self as well... so much to tell her!

    1. I just went back and read this today....nearly 4 years after I first wrote it. I still stand by every word. ;)


Here is a wonderful blog post written by my brother in Christ of 20 years, Robert Mauti. We are also both figure skaters and have coached...