I want to invite all of you to join me on my new journey. The journey is called GraceHaven.
Please feel free to share this with your friends, family, and anyone who you think could benefit from the mission of GraceHaven. Thank you! As always, be Blessed. ~edh
~Welcome to GraceHaven~
A. grace (greys),noun 1. elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action: We watched her skate with effortless grace across the ice. 2. mercy; clemency; pardon: He was saved by an act of grace from the governor. 3.the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God.
B. haven (hey-vuh n), noun 1. a harbor or port. 2. any place of shelter and safety; refuge; asylum. verb (used with object) 3. to shelter, as in a haven. She was given a safe haven from the storm.
Our Mission:
To create a place of safety and refuge.
To create a place of protection from the dangers and distresses of life.
To fulfill our calling to serve others and to bear each other’s burdens.
To offer kindness.
To offer education and encouragement.
To display unconditional and non judgmental love.
To create real-world, real-time interaction with others in a spiritual counseling and/or life coaching setting in order to help those in a time of need walk through difficulty and darkness until they are capable of discovering their own spiritual strength and their own unique connection with God.
To foster the proliferation of Love, in all of it’s forms.
To stand in opposition to Hate, in all of it’s forms.
Lastly, to facilitate others in finding peace and self-appreciation that can only come through the acceptance of Grace; the unmerited favor of God which is not bound by any man made religion or denomination.
Providing public education as well as trained counseling and support to the religiously wounded and those seeking to emerge from abusive relationships.
Twitter: @GraceHavenCouns
email: gracehavencounseling@gmail.com
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