I am very proud to be one of the contributing authors for the "Soul Vomit: Beating Domestic Violence" annual anthology. Several of my works that the readers of this blog are familiar with are included in this initial anthology as well as my multi media art work, "Forever and Half a Day". Proceeds from the sale of this anthology will be used to stop all forms of domestic violence and abuse. You can order your copy of this anthology by clicking here. Thank you to everyone who helped make this dream a reality and let's continue to stop violence against women. Together.
The Soul Vomit annual anthology aims to help society open its eyes to this painful epidemic hiding behind closed family doors all over the world. Domestic violence is often unreported, unseen, and unknown, which is why it is our duty to raise awareness and encourage strength in bystanders to call the police, report suspicious behaviors, and be a friend to someone who is in a violent home environment.
Sometimes, the abuse is only emotional... when a victim doesn't have a black eye or any bruises but is verbally assaulted every day by someone who should love them, they need someone to see their pain and fear, even if that someone is a stranger.
Soul Vomit is about raising awareness about and helping to end domestic violence and abuse. Stories, poetry, art, and essays are
collected from all over the world to help victims and survivors be heard!